● About Membership
Membership is divided into Ordinary Member / Associate Member / Honorary Member.
● Member: A member who participated in the establishment of the association since its inception or applied to join the association, met the membership conditions, and had his membership accepted by the Board of Directors. He has the right to attend the General Assembly as long as he has been a member for 90 days or more.
● Associate Member: One who does not meet all the full membership conditions, and the Board of Directors decides to accept him as an associate member. The associate member has all the rights and responsibilities except attending the General Assembly.
● Honorary Member: One who provides esteemed services to the association, whether financial or moral.
● Membership Conditions:
1. The applicant must be fully eligible.
2. A membership application must be submitted accompanied by a membership fee of EGP 350, and the application must include the applicant's name, nationality, place of residence, profession, and payment method. Payment of the membership fee does not grant any rights to the applicant until the Board of Directors issues a decision to accept his membership.
3. He must have a bachelor’s degree in biotechnology or be a student in a related scientific college, or be interested in the field and have actual activity on the ground. However, the student must be an affiliate member and his membership is complete after obtaining the scientific degree in the field of biotechnology from one of the accredited scientific colleges. From the Supreme Council of Egyptian Universities.
4. Work towards serving the goals of the association and contributing to the implementation of its activities.
5. Have familiarity and interest in the activities and fields of work of the association.
6. Agree to the association's bylaws in writing.
7. Have good ethics, a good behavior, and not be convicted of a crime or ethical offense or disciplinary punishment for reasons that affect honor or dignity.
8. Any organization or company related to the goals of the association has the right to apply for membership according to legal texts in this regard.
9. Each institution or company member appoints a representative to participate in the activities and meetings of the association.
● Members' Duties
1. Commit to the terms of membership, and in case of violation at any time, the member will be removed by the Board of Directors.
2. Continuous contribute to the development of various activities and projects carried out by the association.
3. Commit to attending General Assembly meetings of working members, as determined by the Board of Directors, with a minimum attendance of 50%. In case of non-attendance, another member can be authorized to attend on their behalf.
4. Contribute members' experiences, knowledge, and available or acquired skills to develop the association's activities.